Page 12 - 2020_Cat_(Complete)-COEsm
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     Canvas                         SKU: SOCANVAS6610
                                    (TFL) Total List: $15,362.00
     COLLECTION                     (HPL) Total List: $16,331.00
                                    Excludes Seating, Tack Board/
                                    Workwall & Accessories.

     Always stylish, comfortable and effortlessly adaptable, Canvas enlivens
     corporate environments with refined aesthetics, born from an appealing
     mix of materials, finishes, and components. With an enhanced selection of
     multidimensional components, the creation of an ultra-functional workspace
     is limited only by your imagination. Create your ideal office today!
                                                                                               SKU: SOCANVAS6615
             SO = SPECIAL ORDER                                                                (TFL) Total List: $5,216.00
                                                                                               (HPL) Total List: $5,906.00
                                                                                               Excludes Seating & Accessories.

      LAMINATE OPTIONS - TFL OR HPL TOPS                                EDGE OPTIONS       PULL OPTIONS

        BW Beigewood  SM Sugar Maple  ORW Oak Riftwood  WTA Weathered Ash SBP Smokey Brown Pear  F - Double Kerf  *AAC Aluminum Arc  *ABU Aluminum Buckle

                                                                                          *AEL Aluminum Elite  *AFC Aluminum Focus
                                                                             G - Duo
        AS Asian Night  TK Studio Teak  PNW Pinnacle Walnut  HM Harvest Maple  GC Golden Cherry
                                                                                          *AQD Aluminum Quadra  *ABM Aluminum Beam
                                                                            X - Flute
        SKC Shaker Cherry  SCH Select Cherry  WC Williamsburg Cherry  MW Mahogany Walnut  CO Columbian Walnut
                                                                                          AAV Aluminum Alcove  CAV Chrome Alcove
                                                                            Y - Square
         EF Espresso  WH Designer White  WHS White Sand  FHG Fashion Gray  PPD Pepperdust
                                                                        CHOOSE FROM
                                  ITEMS ON THIS PAGE ARE SPECIAL ORDER  4 EDGE OPTIONS     AFL Aluminum Flair  CFL Chrome Flair
                                      PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL
                                                                                                  Please Note:
                                   SALES REPRESENTATIVE FOR DETAILS                         *Pulls Also Available In Black Finish.
         SG Slate Gray  BL Black
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